Sunday, February 15, 2015

Spring Cleaning

I know it is only February, but I have done my spring cleaning. Last week it was 70 degrees outside, so we got down and cleaned the house from the bottom up! We decluttered as much as possible. If I haven't used it since I moved in April, it is gone. If I don't fit into it anymore, it is gone (with the exception of my goal dress). If it is broken, it is gone. I had keep, recycle, giveaway, and trash piles. I overheated the vacuum (twice). The dog is shedding her fur, and we are shedding our stuff!

Spring cleaning is a great time for reorganizing. Sometimes the clutter we see around us is only because we don't know how to organize it better. With two kids that are hoarders (largely in part to their history in foster care and moving from home to home, leaving behind all of their possessions), decluttering and rearranging can be a challenge. I rearranged the living room so it is more of a grown up space. Then I hung pictures throughout the house (finally!), and rearranged a few other spaces. including the play area upstairs. I moved the piano there, and it has gotten more use in three days than in the past six months! I even ordered some easy piano books for myself so I can give away the books I never use because they are too hard.

In the kids' rooms, we installed ceiling fans. We also finished the "window" frame project that is a year in the making. Each kiddo has an old window with 8 panes of glass. Four the panes now have pictures to match their decor (Cars, Toy Story, or Disney Princesses). The other four panes are just empty. They are so great! If only I would get to the painting...As a final touch, I bought LED diffusers for each room, and the kiddos have a special essential oil to use each night. The boys have relaxing/calming blends, and my daughter has one to improve her breathing. Since she struggles with asthma, I hope to see some improvement. I have been using some oils in my room for about a month now, and I feel like it makes a difference. My husband, on the other hand, has been terribly sick with respiratory crud. Hopefully he feels better soon.

I now have two newly reorganized and decluttered areas in my home that I love! My enclosed back porch, which is a bit chilly today, was great last weekend. I put a bistro set in there as well as an elliptical. I hung curtains too, so it is a wonderful, bright space to read or exercise, and I can still see the trampoline! The other area is my bedroom. I have been looking for a "space" for some time. Through several months of rearranging and buy-sell-trade deals, I have finally created a living area for myself.I have a glider rocker with an ottoman, a small table, a lamp, and several other things to help me relax. When the kids go to bed, I can sit in my chair and relax as well. Raising kids with special needs means I need to have a space to call my own and be able to destress. I finally have it! Although this is the 5th place we have lived since being married, it is definitely home. I thought two other places had been it, but I think we have finally arrived. I am so thankful!

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