Saturday, January 17, 2015

Show and Tell

My kiddos' teachers were super thoughtful and allowed all the students in their classes to bring an object for show and tell after Christmas. It was a great experience for my kiddos, except D. Since this was a change in routine, it rocked his whole world. The guideline was to bring something school appropriate that could fit in a backpack. Since many of his Christmas presents were Nerf toys, he couldn't bring any of them. His books and games weren't "cool" enough. In his mind, he was going to bring his fire truck crane because it actually can pick up other cars, has flashing lights, and makes noise. Awesome, right? Well, it didn't fit in his backpack. After a super-mega-huge-horrible tantrum about something unrelated to show and tell, I realized that the root cause of the problem was actually show and tell. We emailed his teacher to see what could be done. Technically his fire truck crane could fit in his backpack...but it stuck out about 6 inches, preventing the backpack from closing. For 45 minutes we waited on pins and needles. He nearly rubbed his face off with his blanket. Finally - success! His teacher would allow the fire truck crane! Although, in all honesty, I think I might have sent it anyway. I never cease to be surprised that one small change in routine, even a happy one, can be so difficult on my son. When will I learn? I am extremely thankful he has an understanding and compassionate teacher as well!

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