Friday, October 12, 2012


Bureaucracy is one of the vocabulary words in my classroom this week. That is very ironic. As I spend nearly every evening filling out paperwork that I have completed multiple times over the last 21 months, I understand bureaucracy. I feel frustrated because I don't know how to be my own advocate and say, "Hey! I have already done fingerprinting for the state and FBI, reference checks, and home inspections. And, by the way, I paid $400 for a home study in May, so why are you doing another one?" From what I have been told, we don't really need to do all this again, but when the lady in charge of my fate tells me to do it, I can either try to prove she is wrong or I can spend that time in quiet compliance, hoping someone else will tell her and save us from the pain of going through this process again. I wish I knew a way to PROVE that we don't need to do this all over, but I just don't.

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